Elkhart County, if you want to entertain your friends outdoors, then replace your outdoor patio or wood deck. Decorative brick paver materials create a welcoming and durable outdoor entertaining space. The winter season can be tough on outdoor materials. That’s why Stone Ridge Landscaping uses durable stone and brick pavers. Did you know these materials can be 2x-5x stronger than regular concrete?

decorative stone brick patio
Decorative stone patio with fire pit

While concrete patios are guaranteed to crack and break, modular brick pavers will hold up for years to come. Many old town streets are being reclaimed and preserved to maintain the warmth and character of historical areas.

The City of Goshen & City of Nappanee have relied on the skills and materials provided by Stone Ridge landscaping to invest in long-term beautification and environmental preservation.

brick paver goshen
Permeable paver parking Lot

Call Stone Ridge with your entertaining needs and we will provide the beauty and durability you’ve been missing!

Stone Ridge Landscaping